Great Homeschool Conventions – A Perfect Christmas Gift for Mom or the Entire Family!
I am pleased to present this post sponsored by Great Homeschool Conventions.
Three Conventions Coming Soon
I am excited to introduce my readers to Great Homeschool Conventions! There are three conventions coming in 2014: Greenville in March, Cincinnati in April, and Ontario in June. Give Mom a wonderful Christmas gift: an individual registration and trip to a convention! Or, engage the entire family! There are Family Registrations available at very reasonable prices. You can easily order a registration online, at any time of day. My family is eagerly planning to attend one of these three events.
Children’s attendance is included in the Family Registration, so they may go with you to the main speaking events. For your teenagers, there is a special Real Faith for the Real World Teen Track event. Great Homeschool Conventions also offers a Children’s Conference available for ages 5 – 12 which coincides with the main conference! (Separate registration is required.)
Outstanding Featured Speakers

Dr. Benjamin Carson
I was thrilled to discover that one of the main speakers for each of the 2013 conventions is Dr. Benjamin Carson. We recently watched Gifted Hands, a film portraying Dr. Carson’s journey to becoming a preeminent pediatric neurosurgeon. The story of how mother his mother inspired him to learn, work hard, and overcome his circumstances was truly inspiring and challenging to me as a Mom. I would highly recommend it for your next family movie night!
Featured speakers for Great Homeschool Conventions also include Heidi St. John, Michael Medved, Dr. Kathy Koch, John Stonestreet, Dr. Jay Wile, comedian Mark Lowry, John Rosemond, and more! Click here for more information on the speakers scheduled in each city.
Homeschooling Workshops & Curriculum Exhibits

Cathy Duffy
Also offered are hundreds of information-packed homeschooling workshops including “Homeschool 101” with Cathy Duffy and a Parenting track led by John Rosemond and Kirk Martin. You can choose the sessions that fit your own homeschooling needs: Math, Reading, Science, Spelling, Writing, Classical Home Education, Charlotte Mason Methods, Unit Studies, Homeschooling through High School, Special Needs, Homeschool Transcripts, Homeschool Legal Questions, Creation Apologetics, and more.
I’m very much looking forward to browsing the huge homeschool curriculum exhibit hall. Although I have become familiar with a few curriculum providers, it will be wonderful to see many more, all in the same place!
Visit the Great Homeschool Conventions web site to learn more about their Statement of Faith and Convention Philosophy. You can keep up with the latest news by joining their newsletter list, too.
Because this is an education forum, we do not propose to “filter” everything-allowing you to see or hear only what “we” have approved. We believe that you, as parent educators, are very capable of judging and making intelligent decisions for yourself and for your family. Our conventions are designed to help a broad spectrum of homeschoolers and people considering homeschooling. – From the web site.
Remember, you can order the convention registration of your choice anytime online. A perfect Christmas gift, one that will have enduring results for you and your family!
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Great Homeschool Conventions. My opinions are entirely my own, and I only recommend products and companies that I believe will be of benefit to my readers.
Text Copyright 2013 Kathryn Depew. Images from the Great Homeschool Conventions web site, used by permission.
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